Rental Guarantee in Valencia:

rental guarantee in valencia

Is it possible to offer a service like Rental guarantee in Valencia?

It is, indeed. And we are proud to be Valencia’s only real estate agency that offers it as a service.

We can guarantee your rental if you purchase one of the properties we are selling. Depending on the property you choose, you can earn a nett return of 3-8 percent per year, and based on recent property market developments, there is a good chance that the increase in the value of your property will at least match this percentage.

We also provide a variety of additional services that may assist you in enjoying your investment without having to travel to Valencia, such as maintenance service, key exchange, home staging, and many others.

The rental guarantee in Valencia service would be especially appealing to investors who are unable to maintain permanent control over their investment. If we assist you in purchasing your investment property, we will not only make sure that you find a tenant, but we will also ensure that your monthly payments are made on time and in accordance with the law for the duration of the contract.

Because this is a unique and new service on the market, and no other estate agency provides the same service, we recommend that you contact us for more information.